The Max interface has been redesigned, with modules and objects now contained in a handy sidebar, including an auto-completing search function. There's also a further reference page for each module that contains a detailed summary of every message and signal it can create or receive.
Max msp modular synth Patch#
There is a series of introductory tutorials for Max, MSP and Jitter, and every single module comes with its own demo/help patch - sorry, patcher - that interactively demonstrates its features. To ease the pain, Max 6 includes some of the best help features we've ever seen. There are many small idiosyncrasies to remember - patches are called 'patchers', for example - and a few bigger ones, like the fact that events run through modules from top-right to bottom-left. Even if you're an expert synth programmer, it takes a while to learn the most useful modules and get used to its quirky feature-set. Max can still be seriously hard to get into. Visually, the interface has been tidied up, with curvy new patch cords and object alignment lines making it easier to create clean-looking, easy-to-follow patches. Max 6, then, is Cycling '74's (long overdue, some might say) attempt to bring all the elements of Max/MSP together and make them more accessible to newcomers. Most recently, in 2009, Cycling '74 teamed up with Ableton and released Max for Live, intended to give Live and Max users a bridge between their worlds, bringing timeline-based workflow to Max users, and giving Live users custom-built devices, expanded interface access, and new levels of hardware control. Like MSP, Jitter is still very much part of Max.

Jitter is mostly used for video and graphics - video frames are just number arrays - but it can also be used for any other applications that use tables, including menu tables and statistical analysis. In 2003, a table and array processor called Jitter arrived alongside Max 4. MSP's built-in spectral processing features also enable the creation of pitchshifters and spectral delays, and if you've got the DSP skills you can even design custom filters from scratch.